Thursday, April 14, 2005

Fighting Back

I work in the hood of North Hollywood. One year the police found a dead body in our alley. Alcoholics loll under our trees. Most mornings new graffiti trails across a wall or door. Bums wash themselves in front of our office windows. Men come and go from the porn video shop across the street. Car stereos of any quality were routinely stolen from employee cars. A delightful neighborhood.

About a year or so ago, a youngish couple was hanging around our building. They were walking back and forth along the side and then around the back. After about three hours of this, an employee came rushing in saying they saw them near one of the cars. Three of us ran outside catching the couple in the act of breaking in to steal a stereo. They took off and we chased after them across a busy intersection. The two men pursued them helped by a sympathetic woman in an SUV who drove them through the neighborhoods to search for the culprits. I was yelling THIEF, STOP THIEF at the top of my lungs at the intersection to get people's attention. The cops were called. They canvassed the area and detained the woman. They then drove each of us separately by the woman to identify her. I wasn't positive, but the two others were. She was booked. Who knows what happened to her, but I have to say it was pure pleasure giving them a run for their money. They didn't even get the stereo. I wondered later if they would try to do it again. Who would want to take the chance of getting caught by angry victims? We haven't had any more car break-ins since that day.

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