Thursday, April 28, 2005

Anti-Christian Bias and Bigotry

Stanley Kurtz has an excellent article at NRO on anti-Christian bias and bigotry perpetrated by the Left. The Left is reluctant to engage in honest debate about cultural issues like gay marriage since they know their arguments aren't persuasive. Their positions do not resonate with most Americans, therefore they can't take a chance with letting the people decide their laws, which is why they're emphatic that none of Bush's judges get confirmed. The Left shows over and over again their utter contempt for democratic processes whenever they force decisions through the judiciary rather than the legislative branch. They've shown they'd rather have an oligarchic form of goverment, a government ruled by an elite few, than the democratice form they vowed to uphold. Instead of doing the honorable thing (engaging in debate), they resort to ad hominem attacks on those they disagree with, who in this case are Christians. We're seeing more and more bigotry against Christians by the very political party who proclaims the loudest that they're the most tolerant. The political left today is a joke and a disgrace to their own traditions.

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