Saturday, February 26, 2005

George W. Bush's Speech in Slovakia

This speech made me cry. I'm a sucker for heroic people. I'm a sucker for people who have suffered, and yet overcome. I'm a sucker for great and noble causes that call for courage and sacrifice. I'm a sucker for oppressed people who know that some things are worth dying for. What an honor it is to have the Slovakian people, a people who know what it means to fight for truth, as our ally. My hope is that Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Estonia and all the other countries who freed themselves from the chains of communism will be beacons of light during the coming dark ages of Old Europe. My hope is that New Europe will not succumb to the philosophies that have crippled the mental and moral faculties of Old Europe. How ironic it will be when Old Europe is enslaved by radical Islamists using the weapons of multiculturism and pluralism to deal the death blow, all while the Middle East experiences a democratic revolution.

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