Thorne Frevisse was born 12/12/08 at 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 3/4" long. At 7:30pm while still in labor, I told the doctor I wanted her out by 8pm and she arrived at 8pm straight up!
Many of you have asked the significance of her name, which is:
Thorn (without the e) is a family name on Steve's side that I fell in love with as soon as I heard it. As an anglophile I love that it also sounds so very English like a character from Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre. In the old name book I have, Thorn was a diminutive of the rosy Hawthorne and was listed under girl names. She looks like a rosy apple dumpling to me!
Frevisse (pronounced FrayVEESE) is the French name for the 7th Century English saint Frideswide who is also the patron saint of Oxford. I first visited Oxford in 1994 while on a semester abroad and heard the story of Frideswide while touring Christ Church where her shrine is located. I knew I wanted to name a daughter after her, but didn't think I could convince her father that Frideswide was a perfectly acceptable name. Fortunately, the french version is very pretty and works well with Thorne.
All is well with me. I'm better than I expected to be so soon after her birth. But we're still in shock and awe mode. I finally understand what it means to be so full of love for your child it makes you want to weep. We've been doing a lot of that as well.
congrats Danica and Steve!
She is so sweet- I am in awe that they come out that tiny! :)
Carol Shackelford
absolutely fabulous!!! we're so very happy for you and await our initial introductions with much impatience. we love each of you.
Rats. I can't think of anything to say that's not embarrassingly sappy. Oh well. Your daughter is beautiful and her name is perfect, and I just couldn't be happier for you two fantastic people.
yay! she is beautiful!!!!
Thorne is lovely! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter. Looking forward to seeing her in person!
I'm with Gypsy, the more smug you try to sound, the more sappy it gets....we are so happy for you. She is adorable.
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