Here we have another Craigie Aitchison crucifixion from 1964. I find this portrayal with the additional two spectre-like figures and washed out or muted color to be particularly haunting. Aitchison considered the crucifixion story of Jesus Christ to be the most "horrific story [he'd] ever heard." I've heard the story and experienced the Church season of Lent and Easter since I was on my mother's teat. As a result it lost it's horrific-ness for me a long time ago, if ever I experienced it. But I find Aitchison's portrayals powerful because he doesn't go gory or retell in realistic detail all the blood and the pain. Yet, his minimalism and spareness take me straight into the loneliness and agony Jesus must have felt on the cross. For someone like me who tends to be removed from her emotions, I appreciate Aitchison's ability to move me on a visceral level through his use of color and form. I want to
feel the cross not just think about it. I want to be awakened to my very real need for a Savior who would voluntarily go to his death out of love for me.
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