Monday, September 10, 2007

Can I have a do over?

Today is a mess and it’s only 11:02 in the morning.

I reprimanded one of my employees for leaving early on Friday when her teammate was swamped with work. The employee became a blubbering wreck, sobbed for over an hour, started to feel dizzy and to see stars, had her blood pressure checked and found it was sky high. I spent 30 minutes calming her down, tryingto make the tears stop. Her crying ceased, but her blood pressure didn’t return to normal so she left early to go to the emergency room.

And now her teammate has to pick up the slack.

Can I have a do over?


mendacious said...

ha. ha! way to crush the spirits of the living... hmm. there was a movie quote in there but i forgot. no really it's horrible but clearly marked with high comic proportions as all things horrible must sometimes be. ah, blogging you. i adore.

shaun said...

Have you considered carrying a samurai sword?