Saturday, February 26, 2005

Vaclav Havel Supports Cuban Dissidents

Vaclav Havel supports Cuban dissidents. Does the liberal left? Probably not. The American left is more interested in using Castro as a stick to beat America with than in using their liberty to end a tyrannous regime that jails dissidents who would like the freedom to protest but can do so only with the threat of arrest and the gulag. I'm on the side of Havel. If you had to choose between the panderings of Chirac and Schroeder who haven't met a dictator they didn't want to appease, or a courageous one time imprisoned dissident of a brutal communist regime who then played a massive role in overthrowing through peaceful means that oppressive government, who would you listen to? Havel every time. You listen to Havel because he knows oppression. You listen to Havel because he knows brutality. You listen to Havel because he knows evil. And you listen to Havel because he speaks the sweet sweet words of truth, freedom and liberty to the pampered bureaucrats of the EU to shame them. How sad that the countries of Old Europe who once believed in freedom have to be shamed into doing what's right by the New Europe. Havel is my hero.

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